3D printed perennial monthly desktop calendar


This is a very simply 3d printed perennial desktop calendar, showing one month at a time. The actual date indicators are small cardboard cubes, which you can craft from a printable PDF.

The calendar is basically a grid of 7 x 8 cells. Each cell contains a cube corresponding to that particular day. The cube has a red and a black and white side. You can indicate the current day by turning the cube to the red side.

For a new month, you rearrange all the cubes so that they fit the month. For instance, January 2024 starts on a Monday, so day 1 goes into the left-most column. If you want your weeks to begin with a Sunday, you can also rearrange the day-of-the-week cubes at the top of the calendar.

This calendar requires a bit of patience: The monthly rearrangement of the date cubes is a ritual which takes a bit of time. And if you happen to topple the calendar, the cubes may fall out. You have been warned – don’t come complaining that this is more work than your regular preprinted wall calendar.

Here are the files you need to build this:

  • Desktop_calendar.stl – the actual calendar frame with the grid. Prints without support. 
  • Stand01.stl – the stand at the back of the calendar. Glue it to the back with a suitable glue (for PLA, use cyanoacrylate)
  • Desktop_calendar_date_cubes.pdf – a PDF with two pages, containing the templates for the cubes

In order to make the cubes, print them on cardboard paper (weight ~ 180-200 gsm), cut along the solid lines, crease and fold along the dashed lines, then glue. Note that the template is in A4 format. If you print on US letter or other formats, do not ask Adobe Reader to scale the pages, but use them in the original scale. Otherwise, your cubes will not fit into the calendar grid, or they will be too loose.




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