3D typography: Yeah!



Continuing from the Blam! experiment, here is the next 3D typography:



And again, it’s not exactly easy to build. In fact, this one seems slightly more difficult than Blam! Anyway, here is the template:


Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. For more details on what you can and cannot do with my work, see here.


  1. Pingback: Yeah! – 3D typography | Kit168 Mô Hình Giấy Download Miễn Phí - Free Papercraft

  2. Melissa,

    I love the design but i think there’s a problem with the PDF template I can’t print it out no matter how many times I click print

    1. admin,

      Just checked the PDF, and it prints alright. However, I have noticed that the built-in PDF viewer in Google Chrome sometimes has problems printing PDFs (not just this one). Therefore, if you use Google Chrome (or another browser with a built-in PDF viewer), I suggest saving the file to the desktop instead, and then opening it with Adobe Reader.

      In Google Chrome, you do that by clicking on the little arrow next to the button for the downloaded file, and selecting ‘Open with system viewer’.

  3. Emily,

    These are amazing! I love the challenge of the words and I look forward to any new designs that you post. Your site has some of my favorite pieces to create! Thank you, you are truly talented !

  4. kitblu,

    Love this one best of the 3 you’ve shown. The colours radiating from the sun are fantastic – fun, exciting, joyous.
    Thanks for sharing.

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