Tonic download and docs

You can download the Tonic Look and Feel JAR file, containing all the classes needed to use Tonic in your own applications; the Tonic Look and Feel demo, which shows all Swing components Tonic style; and the documentation for Tonic as a PDF file.


This is the JAR file you need to use the Tonic Look and Feel. Add it to your classpath, then import the Tonic package (import com.digitprop.tonic.*;) and call UIManager.setLookAndFeel(new TonicLookAndFeel()); in your main class. Make sure that you save this link, instead of opening it.


Same as above, but with slimmer scrollbars and tabs. If the standard scrollbar width and tab height is too big for your taste, try this version.

This is the demo application for Tonic. Download the ZIP file, unzip it into a directory, then start it with

java -cp .;/toniclf.jar com.digitprop.lfdemo.TonicDemo

Please note that the toniclf.jar file must be in the same directory into which you unzipped the demo application.

This is the source code for the Tonic Look and Feel. The ZIP file contains the whole /src branch, including icons and other ressources.


This is the documentation for the Tonic Look and Feel. It explains in more detail how to setup and use Tonic, how to get the demo application running, and how to put Tonic to the best use.

This is the API documentation in JavaDoc format, as a ZIP file. It contains descriptions of all public Tonic classes and methods, and how they work together to create the Look and Feel. Download and unzip into a folder of your choice, then open ‘index.html’ to access the document.

Please read the license carefully, before using the Tonic Look and Feel!