Paper instant camera

Here is a kind of ‘interactive’ model and actually quite a nice toy: A ‘working’ instant camera made from paper:   So, what do I mean by working? Well, you can turn the crank on the right-hand side and the camera will output a picture you have taken. The mechanism is robust enough to work […] Read more

Multiplication machine

A machine made from paper which multiplies any two numbers between 1 and 10, using marbles. The path of the marbles throught the machine is a little Rube Goldberg-esque but great fun to watch, and the machine is very helpful in conveying the concept of multiplication to young students. Read more

Take to the stars – paper rocket

This is fairly simple and doesn’t require glueing, although some precision cutting: A paper rocket made of interlocking parts: It’s not the most stable toy, and in fact is more something to look at than to play with. However, I like the kind of minimalistic charm of it. Here is how to assemble it: First, […] Read more